
It's Not Rocket Surgery!

Driving down my street recently I noticed a lady having trouble getting her gas-powered weed-eater to work. She pulled, pulled, and PULLED on the starter cord. Finally, as I was driving by, she was unscrewing the gas cap to take a peek -- with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. I accelerated to get by her quickly before a hot ash fell into the tank.

Later the same day, I passed a vehicle where the passenger was lighting a cigarette and I noticed that the driver was wearing an oxygen tube! Then I noticed that the oxygen tank was in the back seat -- directly behind the passenger seat! Again, I wanted to be very far away from those people.


Roxanne said...

Another thing I left out of my "I Am From" poem that fits perfectly right here. . .

Lord have mercy!!!!

And I cannot believe you didn't comment about the blogger thing saying I should strip to Depeche Mode. . .that was just BEGGING for a rebuttal from you, seeing as how me stripping would probably result in permanent injury to myself or whomever happened to be watching. :)


SuperMom said...

LOL!!! I can picture the look on your face and you puttin' the "pedal to the metal", so to speak. What a funny visual!

AbbieCRAZY said...

So many times when I'm pumping gas I want to say to people "TURN OFF YOUR CAR, ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US ALL KILLED?" I've noticed this more in Abilene - oh, the smokers, too!

heartsjoy said...

LOL! vroom vroom!!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the time when my parents were visiting and we were roasting marshmallows in the back yard using metal prongs designed for that purpose. When a West Texas storm, complete with lightening, blew in, everyone of us, to the cajun, raised the metal prong towards the lightening and said "would ya look at that"!!

I'm sure God and the heavenly host were cracking up that night.

Tammy M. said...

Have you tried the handicapped button next to the word verification yet. I think it is for visually imparred people, when I clicked it a bunch of numbers came through on the speaker. I am going to punch those numbers in, you will know if it worked, because I will have successfully posted this up to date new report.

Roxanne said...
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Roxanne said...

(Last comment way to long. . .here's the short version--the other is sashaying to your e-mail)

I saw it on someone else's blog and thought that they were just really thoughtful--the handicapped sign--of course I guess it only works if you are deaf and not blind. . .or maybe the blind would have a computer that talks to them.

Anywho--think it's wonderful.

LiteratureLover said...

Oh my word! That is nutty. I would be hitting gas too!!