
Just Wondering. . .

Any theories as to why my powder that belongs in my gym bag is NOT in my gym bag, but the baby Jesus to my Nativity Scene Advent Calendar is?


Roxanne said...

I'd blame the cheese people. . .


Tammy M. said...

The Lord decided you need to give up make up until next year's Lent and he left you an inspirational gift to help you make it that long. Whenever you want to put on your make up just ponder Jesus instead.

Sarah said...

Okay, well you know that I love Jesus as much as, if not more than, the next person. But I'm not talking face powder, I'm talking body powder. I could be wrong, but I DO NOT feel led by the Lord to give that up -- and you don't want me to, I promise! But the little baby Jesus does make me smile! :-)

Jessica said...

Maybe you were putting both the baby powder and baby Jesus up and in the process you switched the two...one of those blonde moments. Look in the place Jesus goes and I bet you find the powder! OR maybe not!

SuperMom said...

It's a miracle! A sign from God!

Maybe you could put that baby Jesus on Ebay and get some money for him.

Rebecca said...

I would blame it on the cat. Or the small child, whichever is nearest.

Anonymous said...

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

heartsjoy said...

LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one with some of these moments!

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

Yes... a sign...

I don't see how you could take this any other way. :)