
School Days, School Days, Good Ol'... Oh, Never MIND!

If you live in Texas and send your child to a public school, they are still underfoot. School in Texas is under some new law about school starting in conjunction with Labor Day, the first full moon after Yom Kippur (I kid. It's just another arbitrary thing that makes as much sense as reality), and yet still before any district's new budget kicks in (I don't kid. Districts start school without campuses -- campi? -- being able to buy Sharpies or plan books b/c new budgets don't start until September 1).

But in my little dusty, wind-blown district, school is in session for the teachers. Today we are all back on contract -- I marvel at the teacher's I met this week who didn't know when they were supposed to go back. You have missed some serious last-minute fun if you didn't know when the fun would end!

So, of course, all the irritation gods conspired against me. Because you KNOW I left at the precise moment that I could get to my campus with 17 seconds to spare. So, of course, MY intersection where I turn to my school was completely shut down and torn apart. Pardon me? Did you not have ALL summer when I WASN'T going to be turning there to do that? When did the city quit consulting me about their construction? Actually, sometimes I think the city follows me around for a month before they decide where to start construction. It's usually in my three most frequented routes.

Then, at lunch, I stopped at my house for a quick bite of lunch but was (cue horror music) OUT OF DIET COKE at the house! So, with about 2.2 minutes to spare (are you catching a theme) I run into my local not-very-convenient store. They are not very convenient because the drink machine was frozen up. Pardon me? I am in desperate need of Nutrasweet and caffeine in that beautiful, bubbly form I love oh-so-much, and your machine picks THIS MOMENT to freeze up? I really try to hide my eye-roll and disgust (I hope you people who said you "loved my transparency" were being honest!) but I think I was fairly transparent at that moment, as well.

I am nothing if not a)resourceful and b)desperate so I remember that the donut place across the street has jumbo drinks for $.99. Why didn't I think of that earlier? My spirits lift as I wheel my car up. AND it's even drive-thru -- I should have come here first. I place my order and dig out my $1.07 ready for the trade. Kind lady says, "That will be $1.38." WHAT??? I KNOW-- it's $.31. AND, 'lest I leave you hanging, YES I paid it! I would have paid $3 at that point. But, people! For my first day of up on a schedule, with clothes on, and no pool-lounging, I am really needing you all to work with me here!

I am NOT going easy into this whole schedule/ routine business...


Roxanne said...

Well, EGADS Sarah. You know. . .I could probably have stood the intersection, and I was in a meeting today as well, but NOT being able to get a diet Coke when it's needed the most is not to be taken lightly--then to be OVERCHARGED!!!!!!!

PUH-LEEZ! And HOW does a fountain coke machine "freeze up" in west Texas in August?

Do you have your cd and your Shipley money ready for tomorrow? :)

AbbieCRAZY said...

What won't you do for a Diet Coke?!

Anonymous said...

On the bright side, we got your kids to our house via an enjoyable trip, took them to dinner, and no one threw up during the night! I know they don't USUALLY throw up during the night, but I was afraid last year's visit had set some kind of cosmic precedent.

Melodee said...

I hear you. I will do almost anything when I need my Diet Coke.