And Kendra is absolutely right -- complaining, done correctly, can be HILARIOUS. Hence my personal struggle with trying to quit. I do, actually, find much humor in Kendra's humor. I have had a great time getting my room ready with her. She says all the things I want to say -- she just says it funnier. And she thinks 11 year old boys are the best folks to hang around -- and not in a creepy way. She's just a hoot. Sadly, now that school is starting, I'll see her about 2 more times this calendar year!
Updated -- forgot to mention Miss Bits and Pieces. I used the word 'rumor' because I simply couldn't believe that this tiny, mild-mannered, little china doll of a gal would do such a thing. I still haven't confirmed it with Bits and Pieces, but have heard it from several other sources. Which just proves -- we all have our limit. Please do not try to find mine.
Have a great Sunday -- maybe we could at least take the Lord's day off from complaining! (I think that will be the hardest day for me NOT to complain!)
hehe yeah, i probably shouldn't complain to the no complaining people...sheesh
i'll just complain to the rest of the world hehe
It's 11:39 and I'm doing surprisingly well. I should've worn my bracelet today!
In an effort to not only be "complaint free" but to also be my B.E.S.T. (the positive mantra for OUR campus this year), this morning I chatted with Sam, the SLOWEST checker at Wal-Mart since I got up extra early to run there BEFORE church to get some things we need for this week. Bless his heart. I felt myself getting annoyed, then I just dove right in with my conversation. We talked about church.
Ditto for little April at Jo-Ann's AFTER church. I got the wrong sized terra cotta pots. . .she rescanned ALL five and ALL five saucers individually even though they were the same exact thing. I just smiled.
Being my B.E.S.T. while not complaining. . .even in my own mind. :)
Roxanne, I had a day like that at Wal Mart not to long ago. I walked a mile in there looking for toothpicks, but all was well when I got to the checkout. I looked up and saw the checkers nametag that said El Shadai. I started humming the song in my head and realized those are the only words I know in the whole song. It made me chuckle!
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