
Who Are You?

This creeps me out just a little -- but I admit I like the description, though I'm not sure how accurate it is. So, I'm a squatty green gourd with a bad moustache.

What Veggie Tales character are you?


Tammy M. said...

I too am Mr. Lunt.

Roxanne said...

I am Mr. Lunt too. . .go figure. He is not the one I would have picked.

Although I find it incredibly funny that, "If the world suddenly ran out of cheese, he would get down on his hands and knees to see if someone accidentally dropped some cheese in the dirt. Then he'd wash it off for you. Yes, he'd wash it off for you. Yes, he'd wash that dirty cheese off just for you. . ." Mr. Lunt

My FAV are The Pirates Who Don't do Anything. . .one of whom is Mr. Lunt. . .

And of them, the one who ALWAYS cracks me up is Pa Grape. . .though I don't think I would normally be characterized as a curmudgeonly, elderly Jewish man.

Have I mentioned that I love Veggie Tales?

Anonymous said...

I'm Larry the Cucumber...but I'm NOT a pickle!


Holly said...

I'm Bob the tomatoe. Kinda serious, can keep chaos under control, but knows how to have fun. My favorite character in the Madame Blueberry.

Anonymous said...

I got stuck with Bob too. Personally, I'm a fan of the French Peas. I'd put a quote on here, but none of them are funny without the "outrageous French accent!"


"This is sitting and this is standing. I'm Standing!" --Bob the Tomato

I guess I'm a little more like Bob than I thought...

Anonymous said...

I got Bob the Tomato too. I guess its a result of a lifetime of childhood teasing being called Tomato Head because of my hair!