
Happy Day!

Due to this event, I have exactly 3 minutes to type here. But I could not let today pass without acknowledging my parents' 41st anniversary. I am proud of both of my parents for so many reasons, but their marriage is one of the main reasons. And, more than anything, I know they would think that's silly because they are both so crazy about each other that they can't imagine life any other way. I am so thankful for the example they both are of being a godly spouse.

May you both have a wonderful anniversary!


Roxanne said...

Yea for your "event." And a great big YEA!!!! for Mike and Mignon. . .what IS IT with "m" names and incredibly long marriages in the Riley family???

Roxanne said...

Okay. . .and HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOw did it go? The "event". . .I'm pretty sure the marriage is going just fine.

And evidently Mrs. Hickman orchestrated some of these word thingies. . .olkjoudg. . .that's just WAY too long. . .and all one hand until the very end.

Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks, thanks!

I hope you know we're pretty doggone proud of our kids, too. And if you just keep doing what you're doing, you will most surely celebrate this milestone, too.

Yesterday was a good day, and I had time to reflect on what a magnificant blessing my wife has been to me. More and more, I see God in her every day.

joyfuljourney said...

Can't wait to read about last night's event! Thanks for the invite...hopefully soon!