Last night many friends gathered to watch this summer's chic flick: Mamma Mia. Denise has had the soundtrack for a few weeks in preparation to sing along. I have to confess, Denise wasn't as
All in all, Mamma Mia is a silly, fun little story filled with your favorite ABBA music. Silly because it's a musical -- and aren't all storylines where people burst into song just a little (or a lot) silly? There were times that I thought I was seeing ACU Sing Song where the groups had more than $7 for prop budget. Meryl Streep is finally someone a little bit different than Meryl Streep -- I think only because she's singing, though. And Pierce Brosnan singing? Bless. The lady sitting next to me leaned over and said, "Oh, he should have taken some lessons." I replied, "I read an interview -- he did." He's still very pretty to look at.
Don't go in search of Schindler's List. But go if you just want an evening of ABBA music. And, just a sneak preview, but Coffee Group is pretty sure we're going to get some outfits like this for our next speaking gig. Especially Meryl's sleeves.
I would consider coming appropriately dressed to a Coffee Group function just to see you in ABBA-type garb.
I'm sorry, but I had to scroll down quickly so as not to read your review until I see the movie myself :)
After this weekend I'll come back to read it and see how our thoughts compare!
Well, it matters NOT how Pierce sings. . .in fact, if he'd spoken his way through, it probably would have been much better. Uym.
That was to have said, "Yum."
I just cracked myself up.
I love the Diva costumes, awesome. I again stand up for Pierce, he sounds good, maybe not great, but he sounds like Pierce should sound when singing in a musical, a bit gruff and manly.
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