
A Little Clue. . .

Just a little hint at why I have no time to blog currently:

Does it disturb anyone else that we live in a society that has some very common phrases that deal with treating lice:


"Go over with a fine-tooth comb."

Just wondering. . .


Anne said...

Sorry...I have never personally dealt with lice. Imagine attempting to get a "fine-tooth comb" through my head full of thick, super-curly hair. AAAAHHHHH!

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

We had lice this year!!!! Our whole ordeal is detailed in my February blog posts... It was horrible, but we got through it. I used kerosene and we had no relapses...

Leesa said...

I would rather have lice than ringworm! My brother had it when I was a little girl, and he looked like a very young monk. Not nice.

Ruth said...

let's just say lice is one of the more common problems in the islands. I am so sympathetic. Be sure you put all the pillows and stuffed toys and things like that in plastic bags for 2 weeks...

Jessica said...

YUCK! Now my head is scratching! Megan had lice once... I used the shampoo on all of us... even Robert... just to be sure.

Anonymous said...

5 years ago when my oldest boy started kindergarten he ended up with lice, just 4 weeks into the school year. We went the old fashioned route, glopping on the mayonaise and wrapping his head in saran wrap. Then the combing and the picking and the picking anf hte combing. It was a hoot!