Cutest. Thing. EVER.
You Wylie folks have to find out how to make a doggy dinner (i.e., leftovers) for your family -- check out the dog-print biscuits!! PRECIOUS!
I subscribe to a few writer's blogs. Fortunately for their blog, some of them were at a writing conference last weekend. In New Orleans. You've met Gustav, right? MUST read part ONE and part TWO. Evacuating for a hurricane has never been funnier.
If you have a little guy or girl with a birthday coming up, head over to the birthday party ideas at Tip Junkie! She has superheroes (w/ or w/o the 'e' before the 's'? w/, right? Neither looks right), princesses, fairies (oh, I need a fairy party -- so cute), more girl party ideas, and even for twins! Since I truly loathe throwing birthday parties (I do, it's a flaw, but I do) and my kids are too old for any of this, I won't be participating. But I did get this pic out of the deal -- it hurts my heart it's so cute...
You just can't look at that and be upset. All is right with the world.
Leigh had some EXCELLENT words to say about a constant struggle for me. Leigh is a precious tennis-coachin'/playin' momma who listens to what the Lord is saying to her. I like to pretend we're BFF's, even though we've never met...! :-)
This guy is obviously secure in his manhood -- and an amazing gymnast:
You've left me enough good things for a whole week!!!!!
I have been considering making one of those garlands for my craft room if/when it gets built but I loved the idea of the different shapes of flags.
And gymnastics dude had us ALL cracking up. He is seriously talented.
Paul Hunt was hysterical! Giggled, laughed, it was great!
Great blog! :-)
Of course, he's from Utah.
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