I think it's time for a contest! Don't you? It's hot, summer is screeching to an end (in schedule only, not temperature), and my house is falling down around my ears. What says contest more than that?
I have mentioned in several of my book reviews that I love to hear people's stories. I am fascinated by how people end up where they do, or what obstacles they have overcome in their life, or even just a weird tradition the family has. It makes me a captive audience, but I think it also causes me to appear to be the nosiest person on the planet.
Here's the lowdown: I want your story! Any story will do -- but it has to be yours or your family's story. I would PREFER it to be new-to-us-all, but that isn't a requirement -- it can be a previously-run-on-your-blog story. My goal is to simply get all of us in 'storytelling' mode about ourselves.
Here's how you play:
- Post your story on your own blog.
- Include this code at the top of your post (for the button):
- Sign the 'Mr. Linky' below, linking to the permalink of your storytelling post, NOT the front page of your blog. (Instructions on how to do that are here).
- Post your story anytime between today (August 14) and August 31.
- A winner will be chosen at random -- this is not a writing-skills contest, simply a get-it-down contest! -- on Sept. 1. Prize info posted soon.
- If you don't have a blog, you may email me your entry. If you also give your permission, I will post it on my blog (not a requirement).
(edited: currently having trouble getting the code for the button -- can only show the button. Stay tuned, get writing!)
Sharpen your pencils and get writing! Can't wait to hear your stories!
Mr. Linky:
So I REALLY want to be first. . .so, so, sooooooooooooooo want to be first, but I am going to have to REALLY think about a story that you don't already know. You know MY story and are a key player in it, so it will have to be a lesser-known side-story instead.
Hmm. I'll have to think about this. Do you want "the story" or a story? "The story" is long, but I could probably come up with a good story. :)
Thank you for coming to Wesley Court yesterday. Everyone was talking about how precious you and Tammy were. Sorry I couldn't sit in on it.
This sounds like fun. I've always kind of wanted to tackle The Story, and now I have some incentive :)
Still have not forgotten you. . .beginning of school. . .blah. Do you remember the pilot and the Jimmy Buffet book story?
I think my story is on Mr. Linky. Let me know if it isn't. It's the one I posted today called Pride Comes Before a Fall . . . Boy, Does it Ever!
Can't you tell I don't have children to get ready for school tomorrow? I love our girls and are so glad they are grown. Loved them small and love them grown. :)
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