
Places You Should Go Today

First, I have a recap of my weekend in San Antonio over at the Coffee Group blog. If you haven't checked that out in a few days, Denise and Tammy have also posted there. Donna posted on her own blog.

Also, I LOVE it when the blog community becomes true community. Stephanie, of NieNie Day, was in a plane crash with her husband and his flight instructor. The flight instructor has since passed away, and Stephanie and Christian have a LONG road of recovery ahead of them due to extensive burns. (THIS is a BEAUTIFUL post by Stephanie's sister).

So, Design Mom decided a fund-raising auction was in order. And, holy cow, we bloggers don't do anything half-way. If there is anything on the planet you would like, I think you can put a bid on it today! Check out the list!

And, of course, lift a prayer or thirty for all involved. If you are so inclined, click below to help with funds:

Day 4 of school -- I've already got a sick kid! So I'm home cruising blog sites today...


Tammy M. said...

Checked out the Nie Nie auction, wowza, there is alot to bid on!

Kelly Sessions said... need to teach me how to do those cool links...on my posts...I cant figure it out!

Y'all should look at my blog post from a few weeks ago...this is my coach/amazing trainer...try some of these things out:)