
Catching Up!

Y'all!! I have SO much to blog about, and nary the time or energy to sit here and blog! So much still going on.

Last week was the heading-to-school marathon of haircuts, orthodontists, eye doctors, supply shopping, one last summer basketball game, a pre-season soccer meeting, equipment pick-up for school athletics, meet the teacher, and capping it off with me going to San Antonio for this.


Hearts were touched, God is big, and my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places. Testify!

I'll 'splain more later. Oh, until then... GET WRITING, GIRLS! I simply RE-fuse for my first ever in my whole life blog contest to be a miserable failure. I also seem to have won something from Susan. But it requires actual work to talk about it, so it's a secret for now! Also, due to traveling, Fitness Friday was inexplicably completely forgotten overlooked. Stay tuned for more, more, more bloggity goodness this next week. I feel a rejuvenated brain coming on!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Oooh! The other lady in my office was there and said it was unbelievable. Especially the praise and worship!

You do have some 'splainin to do. I gotta know what Beth said about that verse!