

First, don't forget to be writing your story!! Vann had a great post about story! No, it doesn't have to be THE story -- just a story. Yes, Roxanne, I know that story, but I would love for you to share it with the internets, though I know your brain may be a little weary these days.

Is anyone else having trouble commenting? I guess it would be tough to leave me a comment to tell me... hee, hee...

Y'all, I have SO much to tell you here! More family news, I long to share with you my trip to my hometown and show you where I grew up, and other big doin's. But we are SO BUSY soaking up the last precious days of summer, as well as squeezing in haircuts, eye doctors, orthodontists, shopping, sleepovers, and much, much more that I don't have much time to tell you much now. Oh, but I will.

But first: This post made me think of my favorite topic of parents.

What is the most insane statement you have made (or heard from your child) as a parent?

(If you aren't a parent yet, really have some fun and tell me the most insane thing you remember your parents saying -- probably screaming). My current favorite comes from a friend that, at one time, read my blog -- no idea if she still does. She told her child: "Don't lick your feet at the table." I so love that. I would have to think on mine -- there are just so darn many! Let me have them!


Susan said...

This wasn't a bit of advice, but honestly, "the devil made me do it!" I told my girls one time that snakes sing to their prey. Yeah. I don't know...

Roxanne said...

Well, the most recent thing I heard my own child say I put on my blog. . .

"When Daddy is through wrestling the snake, he can watch the crab explode."

But the FUNNIEST thing I've heard a parent say was YOU to Ashley long, long ago during a phone conversation with me. I know you know what's coming.

"Ashley!!!!! If you're going to eat corn, eat it off the chair--not the floor!!!!!"

Roxanne said...

Hey--it took my comment. . .so I'm commenting again. . .JUST 'CAUSE I CAN!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!

And once I get my brain in gear, I will listen to some Jimmy Buffet and write my story. :)

Kelly Sessions said...

I've got a story, from my co-worker..her 3 year old is a hoot...he wanted to stay up and watch the news with his dad, and "Okabama" as he says was one.."Dad are you going to watch Okabama", "Yes son, I have to watch the news, they will tell us important things for tomorrow.", So when the boy woke up the next morning the first thing he asked his dad was, "So dad what did Okabama say, is it a holiday or do we have to go to school?" ohhhhhh hahahaha too funny!

Anonymous said...

Recently, Alyssa was very upset and in her tears, she cried "You guys act like you don't even love me! You are treating me like I am a horsefly, or the housekeeper!"

I don't know where the horsefly bit came from but I am blaming Cinderella for the housekeeper!

AbbieCRAZY said...

Okay, this is from my dad. It was the first thing I thought of....

I remember at about 4 years old getting a spanking in the church foyer. Daddy told me to "quit crying or I'll give you something to cry about."

I know that many parents have said those words but even at 4 they just didn't make good sense.

Anonymous said...

Just the other evening:
"As long as you complain we will always enjoy the opportunity to set you straight."

(After one of the boys complained about our later than usual dinner because we'd run a few shopping errands, including the purchase of the Complainer's $70 running shoes.)

Susan said...

I have an award for you over at my place.