
Lame Brain

I have all kinds of things that I would love to share with you -- like why irritations at my place of employment keep my brain from being able to blog. But the thought of going through all of it again just wears me out. Suffice it to say, the blind leading the blind would be a huge improvement.

I have fared okay this week getting back into a routine of school for the kids and my work. To prove my point, it's 10 p.m. Thursday and I'm still awake AND typing. I have way too much going on in my ministries at church, yes, I'm involved in way too many, one of them was supposed to be OVER last November, and I'm getting out of as many as possible.

One ministry that I don't want to get out of is teaching ladies class. I really enjoy that, though right now it is REALLY difficult to spend as much time planning as I need to. The last time I taught ladies class before now was fall of '04. That previous summer I was asked if I could teach one week. I picked out a week that would work, which happened to have me teaching on the woman at the well. Awesome -- great story, lots to learn! So, by the time I teach, the preacher is on week 3 of a 4-week series on the woman at the well! Obviously, I had to really stretch to come up with a new angle!

Last fall, I was asked to teach ladies class. I will be teaching through the beginning of March. I opted to teach on the disciple John starting with the gospel of John as my text. Guess what the sermon was about on Sunday? Guess what every adult Bible class started studying Sunday? Hello!! We have an entire Bible, folks! Thankfully, God can breathe a fresh word into material that we hear 3 times in a week! Later someone pointed out to me that ACU lectureship is also on John this year!! Wow! We must all really need to hear from John!

Some answers to questions I have gotten regarding previous blogs:
  • the couch: on hold indefinitely. nobody at this house has the energy to shop, much less compromise on couches. we're not desperate yet -- please do not bring us your old one.
  • Ashley's room: turned out SO cute! If I ever finish painting the scripture on the wall, I will post some pictures here. I hope to finish the scripture this weekend.

Finishing up with some ACU business: Randy Vaughn has started a blog for the class of 1991 since this is our 15th reunion year. ACU Class of 1991. Stop by and check in, and/or pass it along to others from the class of 1991.


Tammy M. said...

So excited about Ladies Class. Can't wait for Tuesday! I am so glad you are teaching, I know that the prep is not easy, but you will do a marvelous job, and God will bless you through it all.

Anonymous said...

oh dear! I just realized I'm in the class of 1991--waaaaah!

While I'm here, I'd like to commission you to come up with ladies class curriculum thats small CoC church approved. There is very, very little out there and hardly anything very good. If I see another chapter that begins with the phrase "Dear Ones..." I'll scream. This is your calling Sarah, please do us all a favor. I'll bet youd even make some money on sales--I know I'll be the first in line to buy a set for our class.