
Stepping Into the Ring

Nicole Johnson is an amazing woman of God, mostly in her dramatic interpretations. After my announcement yesterday of my inaugural mammogram, I came across this video that brought me to tears. What a battle. Enjoy, and fight on, whatever fight you may be fighting.


dad said...

During the years I've had cancer, I have been exposed to some pretty wonderful messages of encouragement. But this one tops them all. She encapsulates the very best of ideas when she says "I have cancer but cancer doesn't have me!" Thanks so much for putting this up at this time. I have sent this to most of my address book.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah Sue! I just had a great night at Fashions for the Cure... Cried a little, laughed alot, and praised the Lord. For my Abilene "mom" (whom you've richly blessed) who has been "c free" for 19 years, for my sweet friend Lin whose fighting hard in the ring right now, and for my dear friend Judy who just found out yesterday that the big "C" is invading her world.... thanks for the encouragement and reminder that on this planet we are NOT alone, we may lose a round, but our Savior rang the bell and raised our arms with Him in victory on a hill long ago. Love you!

Lisa Laree said...
