
Some Great Reads

I'm sorry I missed this ACU graduation. Dr. Beck had some valuable things to say.

If I had been this articulate when I graduated from college, I might have said this. But I doubt it. Some of that I'm still learning ("there is absolutely no joy to be found in choosing to be mediocre").


Roxanne said...

Both excellent. . .I loved that he handed out godlfish and Capri Suns AND that his boys showed up in their t-ball uniforms.

Miss Thang on the other blog--REALLY profound--which goes to show how much intelligence she truly did have all along. . .I'm so glad she realized the path down which she was walking before she'd "wasted" 20 years.

And that is one of the hardest things about teaching for me. . .we only see those kids for a very few years 5 or 6 at the most if we teach in elementary school and the kids stay there and don't move. A lot of the time we don't know what happens to them--the highly motivated, the mediocre, the mistreated--so when we happen across them again, grown up and successful or in college and on their way, it's worth it all. The ones we never see are the ones we wonder about.

Tammy M. said...

Thanks for both of those links. I wished I could have seen Dr. Beck's talk in person, but heard about it several times.
I am 39 and I think I just come to the same realization as the blogger you linked to secondly. At 21 I thought that I was in a set path, only recently have I realized that my effort and drive (or lack there of) keep me where I am, or move me forward. I am sure that God looks down at us sometimes and scratches his head, saying to Himself, "I have given you gifts, why don't you use them? You are My precious child whom I would move mountains if you would only ask and put Me first."