
Question of the Day

So, all this week has been VBS for our church. Only we're not allowed to call it VBS. It's SBA, don'tchaknow. Well, Summer Bible Adventure, of course! Silly you for asking!

MY question -- what, precisely, was WRONG with 'VBS'? Was it broken and needed fixing? I don't think so. Was it too "old-fashioned" and "traditional"? Probably. Did we just need some new letters (which, of course, means a new logo at our church)? Most likely.


Anonymous said...

We don't have VBS either. We have FBA (Family Bible Adventure). I have the same question. What's wrong with VBS? Everyone knows what that means. If I leave work and say, "My church is having VBS tonight, EVERYONE knows what I am talking about." If I say, "We have FBA" then they think I have a disease or something!

Anonymous said...

Well, I can't comment as to why the change, but we have been entertained by Natalie's attempts to remember SBA. She will say "SPS," "SPA" and etc.

The fun never stops!

I will say that I like the change. It is more descriptive of what actually happens every night. (Though it is harder to tell the uninitiated why I am so tired!)

Roxanne said...

Well even the movin' and shakin' church families in our community are still calling it VBS. Even the "un-churched" (ANOTHER phrase I find interesting) know what VBS is, so why muddy the waters. It's Bible school. It's held during summer vacation. What's to change?

Now we DID shake up the status quo the last two years when my friend and I were organizing VBS by nixing the "2 cookies on a napkin" snack to "themed" snacks. The little plate praisin' ladies weren't too sure about it at first, but by day two of last year they were SOLD, and THIS year they were all atwitter about what the next days' snack would be!

Unknown said...

After four days as a ranch crew leader, I'm sold... It truly is SBA-Summer Bible Adventure. And, as a school teacher, Sarah, come on... school in the summer? Yuck! summer adventure? YEE-HAW!!!

Rebecca said...

Wasn't it your blog that discussed this last year-- that sad contradiction between "Vacation" and "School"? "Adventure" sounds much more at home with "Vacation." :)