
This Is New...

At LEAST once a day I walk with great purpose into a room, pause for a moment, and either think to myself or say outloud, "Now, why did I come in here...?" This is not new for me. However, I do think that today is the first time that the realization of why I was there is that I was going to bring the item that was right next to me in the previous room into the current room. Alas, said item is still in previous room while I am lost as a goose in current room. Now I have to walk BACK to previous room, remember to get item, then return to the 2nd-time current room, still remembering why I am there. Old age does not bode well for me.


Anonymous said...

The main difference between now and when you get my age is that at that point you will not have a clue why you're in the room, nor what you intended to bring in said room, and then decide that it's probably not that important anyway. Works for me!

Roxanne said...

How did I get to this blog? What was I going to do in here. . .