
It's Beginning to look a lot like ... a science experiment

What is your most detestable job around the house? I know you're thinking something involving the bathrooms, but I HATE to clean out the refrigerator. Which is evidenced by the fact that I hardly ever do it. Which makes it 12 times worse than it has to be. I realize this, but I hate it! Yesterday I did my pre-holiday, have-to-make-room-in-the-fridge purge and toss in the refrigerator.

Say it with me now: Ew.

I tried to detach from my task and look at it with scientific observation: I wonder what decomposed food turns into THAT? hmmmmm. And under the bottom crisper drawer was quite the walk down memory lane. There was evidence of the Great Blueberry Syrup debacle of Christmas '05, as well as multiple reminders of the days when we have had homemade ranch dressing. And stored it on the top shelf. In front of the milk. That a child tried to get out...

So, after cleaning out the refrigerator and taking stock of my pantry, I evidently need to find a recipe that uses a LOT of onions, sour cream, chili powder, and sugar-free strawberry-kiwi jell-o. Suggestions?


Roxanne said...

SOUR CREAM APPLE PIE. . .no kidding. . .you should REALLY try it.

Great Blueberry Syrup Debacle of Christmas '05--made me laugh.

And. . .you need to get yourself one of those handy dandy Hidden Valley Ranch dressing maker/shaker things. I love, love, love ours. . .and did you KNOW that it will keep in the fridge for up to 3 weeks????? If it lasts that long. :)

AbbieCRAZY said...

No pictures, please. I got my own frig to deal with...

Kenny was totally grossed out by some container one day and I told him he was free to clean out the frig anytime he wanted!

Anonymous said...

When Riley eats at Jason's Deli, he puts a little of each flavor of soft drink in his cup. Anyone who can drink that would probably like a souffle made from the aforementioned ingredients.
Hmmm - I bet if you ran it through the blender it'd make eggs taste like a breakfast burrito!

Roxanne said...

And did you ever find a camera with which to photograph the lovely turkey cookies?

Lara said...

That's some good Thanksgiving planning!

I like your blog. For some reason I can relate and you make our boring lives sound so fascinating!

I've started removing one left over a day from the fridge. That way I don't have so many dishes to wash all at once. And that way I can actually find a storage container when I need one!

Ashleigh Baker said...

This is precisely the reason my very loving and always helpful husband usually cleans out the fridge for me. It all started when I was suffering from morning sickness, and it's a "tradition" I'm not evah gonna break. :D