
The Weather Today ....

The weather today is SOOOOOO awesome ...

(How awesome IS it? -- what is that from?)

I walked my dog and didn't even wear my heart rate monitor. Just lolly-gagged around praising the Lord for the weather!

I was trying to post more pics from lectureship today, but blogger ... 'nuff said.

My word for the week:


So as we (we, being Coffee Group) are preparing to talk at Fulks Theater, we have to turn off the "house lights" and dim the vomitory lights. That's what it says on the label. This has caused great curiosity among the coffee group, but mostly among me because I can't hear a word like that and NOT get to the bottom of it.

Answers.com says:
vom·i·to·ry (vŏm'ĭ-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) pronunciation

Inducing vomiting; vomitive.

n., pl. -ries.
  1. Something that induces vomiting.
  2. An aperture through which matter is discharged.
  3. One of the tunnellike passages of an amphitheater or stadium between the seats and the outside wall or passageway.
I think definition number 2 is what makes definition 3 -- you and I are evidently "matter" discharged from an amphitheater or stadium when we leave via the vomitory.

Now you are enlightened, and probably a little grossed out.


Roxanne said...

Okay. . .whichever person way back when decided that "vomitory" was definitions 2 & 3, well, they must have been having a bad day.

I have NEVER heard ANYONE refer to the "vomitory lights", and no stinkin' wonder!

Thank you for clearing that up--the meaning, not the vomitory.

Anne said...

Natalie cried big crocodile tears tonight when I told her I had seen you at ACU. And she is now throwing a fit that has lasted 30 minutes and she is still going strong. One thing has lead to another...everything is a crisis for her tonight. Can you say TIRED!

Thanks for the hangers!!

Ginger said...

"Vomitory?" That's just too funny!

Ruth said...

Happy Belated Birthday!