
What Do You Think About?

At dinner last night, Troy and I were talking about a friend who is a fabulous cook (hey, Laura!) as well as hostess. I told Troy that she had mentioned to me that it simply is "her thing" -- she says some nights she lays in bed thinking about what flavors go well together. Obviously, at this moment, I realized she was way out of my league in cullinary skills AND obsessions.

Last night as we were all tucked in I started thinking about that -- and then tried to remember what I usually think about while I try to sleep, since it's not what flavors go together. I think about words and sentences. No kidding. I think about how to write something to get it to say exactly what I want or to use the best language to bring out the humor in the situation. Realizing this is a fascinating insight into what people love to do, I turn to Troy.

"What do you think about while you lay in bed?"

(muffled from deep within his pillow): "sleep"

"What about if you can't sleep?"

"just. . . Roves"

(incredulous) "Roves????!!"

(still mumbling, muttering) "mmmm-hmmmmm"

"As in Karl, and his family??"

"no, as in my mind wanders, roves"

See, then other times, God simply hands me what is funny, and I don't even have to re-word it!

Editor's note -- The comments make me realize that you may perceive that I believe the funny part of this story is that I lay in bed at night and write the next "War and Peace" in my head while my husband's mind wanders and roves -- or at least he doesn't think about anything he's willing to admit to while he's half asleep on a Monday night. The hysterically funny part about this is that I would believe that my husband would lay in bed at night and think about Karl Rove. And I am so darn thankful he doesn't!


David Scott said...

I'm in the same boat with Troy in so many ways....

Whitney is the writer in our family and it's not uncommon for me to find small bits of scrap paper on the kitchen table with scribbles, quotes or just random thought written on them. In fact, if I can brag, she won the MOPS writing contest last year (http://www.mops.org/page.php?pageid=1130&srctype=search&src=whitney)

I really enjoy your Hearlight devo thoughts. Please keep those a priority in your faith walk as they do bless other people.


Anonymous said...

I think about how totally delicious it feels to do "spoons" with my favorite person on the planet and how, after 40 years of marriage, I am so blessed that it still feels so totally delicious.

Ruth said...

I think about people. I often replay or anticipate conversations or situations.

Roxanne said...

I cannot begin to type all that I think about. . .enough to make my head spin. Tony is in Troy's league. . ."Sometimes I sits and thinks. And sometimes I just sits." My brain NEVER just sits.


Anne said...

Considering the fact that Nathaniel says I am both Obsessive/Compulsive, and paranoid, you can only imagine what things run through my mind as I am trying to go to sleep.

And in my current state of pregnancy, how uncomfortable I am is at the top of the list!

SuperMom said...

I'm with you, Sarah. I lay in bed and think about how to put my thoughts and feelings into words or how I might phrase a particular event in my day. Thus the 4 a.m. blogs I do sometimes :-)

Jessica said...

Usually as I am going to sleep I am thinking about things I need to do...or write. Unfortunately, most of those 'things' include housework or the 25pg research paper I have yet to begin over the definition of mother as portrayed by the media. Doesn't that sound fun? Anyone want to help?

LiteratureLover said...

Hmmm, what do I think about? Sometimes, like you, it's the wording on something I'm wanting to write. But most of the time it's stories. I keep writing or watching them happen in my head. Someday maybe I'll get them on paper.