These pictures are old, but they are on my screen saver and make me smile every time I see them. They are from a VERY cold fishing trip that Troy took the kids on -- I guess about 2 years ago now. I remember that I slept in and had a grand morning by myself while they froze and obviously caught some fish. Of course, had I been awake before they left, I would have pointed out to Ashley that she was wearing her brother's jeans, but no matter. The fish didn't seem to notice. I love the looks on both faces, and Riley's snaggle-tooth, little bit grossed out grin. I don't think there are any pictures of the Head Fisherman on this trip, but he's my hero, too, since this is something I would not likely allow our children to experience were it just up to me. I do outdoors under certain conditions which include balmy breezes and no fish.
I love that Ashley didn't notice that she was wearing Riley's jeans! Just goes to show it doesn't matter if your clothes fit, only that you have fun in mud on a cold day catching fish with your dad.
VERY cute. They made me smile, too.
I recently found Victoria wearing a pair of Thad's jeans. . .I pointed it out--next time I'll just let it be. I, too, am so proud of Troy (and my own hero, Tony) for doing things with our kids that I'd never dream of doing. . .or might dream of doing but just don't want to do. This reminds me of your posts about bike riding with Troy and the kids and the burping-after-meals- consumed-in-an-amusement park rule.
Gotta love those Daddies.
These pictures are so cute. I laughed while reading about Ashley wearing her brother's jeans. That's something my kids would end up doing only I might be with them when they did! At least you can claim innocence. ;)
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