
Why Is It. . .?

Why is it that the only thing they can get along doing is getting filthy together?
They're digging a hole so that when I "make them play outside" they can crawl in it and keep cool. They've seen the dog do it, but I think a freshly dug hole is much cooler than a hole it takes all winter to dig. I'll let them figure that out. It's far too peaceful at my house to interrupt the work.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious. . .yes. . .I too spent lots of time getting along with my brother while getting filthy. I think it is the commonality of the goal. There is, after all, only one way to dig a hole when you are a kid and don't have access to heavy machinery. You dig with whatever is available. No time to argue--just get busy. :) Enjoy the peace and quiet.

And muddy laundry.


Anonymous said...

Next time you turn around, Ashley will be much too concerned with her appearance to fool with anything as yucky as dirt. Only about a week or two ago I was at a dance recital watching you on stage at about Ashley's height. Where did it go?