
"Her children arise and call her blessed. . ."

(blog re-run: I'm tired and I like this one. feel free to write in for your favorite blog to re-run) Ashley: What stinks in here?

Riley: It's either Duchess. . . or mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also a favorite of mine. . .and so Riley-ish. I can attest to the fact that even at your sweatiest, I've never found you stinky.

As we were so-called "evacuating", we had the windows down to conserve gas. As we entered Baytown, Victoria said, "WHAT is that stinky cow poop smell?" I said, "Honey, that's Baytown." Since we didn't have the snakes, chickens, and rabbit in the car at that point, I couldn't blame it on them. . .although it really MIGHT have been me. :)
