
Little by Little...

Since the closest thing I have to a laptop is my phone, I'm having to
resort to emailing in a post from my phone again. Not only is my home
computer occupado, but I haven't been off the couch much today. For
the record? The sick thing? I'm over it! Ready to move on and maybe
live an actual life instead of this wallow on the couch and moan sort
of pseudo-life. I got over the generic creeping crud of two weeks ago,
felt great all last week, had a killer workout(s) on Saturday. Sunday
during church I started feeling bad- headachy, stomach rolling a
little... I thought I had just overdone my workout and would feel
better after I rested.

To make this too-long, pointless story a little longer still with no
point: evidently had a bit of a stomach bug that finally turned a
corner today after my 4th nap of the day. Really hoping this will end
soon. Maybe I'm building immunity?

Newsflash: election day is tomorrow. My main prayer is that it will
END!!! This is like being pregnant: the Lord allows you to get SO
pregnant and SO miserable that you will go through ANYTHING to not be
pregnant anymore. I'm willing to call one of the Doodlebops "Mr.
President" if it will just END this eternal campaign!

Right now the SNL Presidential Bash is starting. I can't wait! At
least I can laugh at these guys!

Have a wonderful day- and do go vote to help this come to an end!!

Sent from my iPhone


Roxanne said...

Voting. . .tomorrow. . .may the Lord have mercy on us all.

Susan said...

You have my permission to not be sick any longer! Enough already!!!