
Doing Small Things With Great Love

Hey, y'all! Checking in on an AMAZINGLY beautiful day. Wow. Here it is almost December, and I think Texas is finally getting the hang of fall. I will take it, though. Love a sunshiney, cool day.

So does Duchess. This is her favorite spot -- the "sunshine patch," we call it. She used to go lie in the sunshine patch outside, but she has decided that she is too old and... she just won't do that anymore. I mean, when you have a perfectly lovely sunshine patch in a temperature controlled house, would you? I think not.

I have been checking back over my Twelve by 2012 goals. On some of them -- woefully behind. Some of them, I was pleasantly surprised at how far ahead I am (I think that was the case on two... :-). And a few, the sad reality is that I have either bitten off more than I can chew (or will realistically and/ or financially can do at this time).  I'll be sure to post an update in the first week of the new year. I know you'll want to mark your calendar for that. :-) Are you working toward any goals to finish out 2011? Already thinking towards 2012? Would LOVE to hear about it!

Remember my wallowing in angst about Who Am I? What do I do, etc.? This post -- Little is Much When God is in It --  REALLY spoke to me today. I think if you take a minute or two to read it, it will bless you, as well. It also called to mind something else excellent that I read earlier this year. I think God wants me to remember -- maybe needs all of us to remember -- that it is not the great, huge things that He is calling us to do.

Of course, Mother Teresa seemed to get this.
It's good that I am not called to great, huge things. Because my laundry, carpooling, grocery shopping, and orthodontist-running days don't seem to be amounting to much in the overall scheme of life. But (if I have a little bit of an attitude adjustment...) I can do them with great love. Perhaps I will never know the difference that will make to the cashier, orthodontist tech, other driver, or anything. But I am called to love. This I know. It's good to have purpose.

Tell me your goals to finish 2011. What about goals for 2012? What about small things with great love? Got anything in mind? Always love hearing from you!

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