First, if you exercise 3-5 times a week you will boost your immunity and may find you don't suffer from as many colds as you have in the past. For the record, my current ailment is non-contagious digestive trouble that is recurring for me. I'm really not sick, but in pain and have been all week, hence not really feeling like adding leg pain to gut pain, you know? I give you that TMI to tell you that I, for the most part, am an amazingly healthy person. I think I got a cold last year -- my first in about 10 or 12 years. I don't usually get stomach bugs, do get migraines, and got the flu 3 years ago and won't do that again! Obviously, I have health problems like anyone else between my migraines and gut, but I don't usually come down with every virus going around. I credit my workouts and my sleep to fending off nasty germies that we all try to fight.
So, let's say you are feeling generally yuk. Little stuffy nose, throat a little achy. Here's the deal: you should still workout. I don't mean full bore, hours at a time (let's face it -- that wasn't really a danger, was it?) but you should still put on some shoes and go for at least a 10 minute walk. If you aren't running fever, you can even shorten the duration of your symptoms by a brief workout. Really the only time you absolutely should not raise your heart rate is when you are running fever. Fever is one of those symptoms, like pain, that is there to let you know, "Houston, we have a problem!" Fever is absolutely a time to rest and get plenty of fluids.
Obviously, when/ how you work out is completely your decision. I just want us to be clear that there is RARELY an 'official' health reason for completely missing a workout. 'Official' meaning, "you're endangering your health if you workout". Yeah, if you feel crummy, you don't FEEL like working out, but you're probably not going to feel any worse (and possibly may feel better) if you workout. Obviously, I don't have an 'official' reason for skipping my bike class today -- I just feel crummy is all. So, I skipped bike, but I will probably go take the dog for a walk. I'll do something... The trick is in finding a balance.
Some of us are tempted to claim every ache and pain and snuffle and sneeze as a reason to stay in bed/ on the couch/ in front of the computer. Some of us are tempted to IGNORE every ache and pain and "push through" and end up sicker and/ or more injured than before! Again, the key comes in finding balance.
I think even when you don't feel well, it is important to maintain some semblance of working out just to maintain routine and habit. If that means putting on your clothes and shoes, walking to the end of the driveway, turning around and walking home, then so be it -- that counts as a workout when you feel bad. Tomorrow, try again -- walk to the end of the driveway and across the street, maybe.
In short, keep moving. Keep the habit. Start the habit. You can do it! A little at a time!
Keep moving, stay healthy, and be fit!
Sorry you've had a crummy feeling week. Vann and I enjoy a 3 mile walk 3 - 4 times a week. It always clears my head and makes me glad we did that!
You are right. We kind of have a mental list of excuses, don't we? Hey, that just gave me a good idea for a topic!
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