
Season of Blech meets Season of Sales

Need cookie dough? What about a slicer? What about a magazine? Can I interest you in a $1 chance to win any number of wonderful prizes my school's PTO has provided? Surely you need some ginormous pretzels delivered to your door 4-6 weeks after they were made? Don't forget to eat at any number of local fast food/ grease houses this week for school and/ or soccer team "Spirit Night" in support of our team or school. We've got llamas, goats, cows, and pigs -- with and without ears. Oh, wait. We don't have those things. Yet. Check back next week.

We are in the selling season at my house. I have no hard and fast rules regarding school sales at my house. If my kids want to spend all day long knocking on doors to sell raffle tickets, then they have my blessing. If they want to turn their raffle tickets in the next day having sold none, I'm all about it. I give to both of my children's school with a VERY precious commodity -- my time. Now, I know my time isn't going to buy them promethean boards, playground equipment, or laptops for every kid. But it's what I've got a little of.

Generally, my kids fall sway to the same things all the other kids do: the PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES!! i.e.: some piece of crup-ola that will not even survive the trip home in the backpack. I let them work for whatever they want. I've even let them spend up to $25 of their own money to get a prize worth about $1.37. Dave Ramsey calls it "stupid tax" when we lose money and learn a life lesson in the process. I think we all pay our fair share over time -- my kids are no different.

So, while I'm in my mode-of-blech, my kids are wheelin' and dealin', sellin' and movin' merchandise. Don't get in their way!


Donna said...

Last year was our first for all the fund raising. I had a friend comment that she didn't know starting school was joining fund raiser of the month club. At least you are about 1/2 way through with your years of it!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad your kids can't find me on google or my number cause I buy stuff from every future salesman. Especially the kids, I love seeing their eyes light up when they make the sale. Too bad I am so far away. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Almost everyone I work with has a child selling something. And the hospital I work for has fundraisers for their charity teams, like Relay for Life and the AHA Heart Walk. For the latter, I'm even offered the option of payroll deduction. I just spent $5 on a "Chicken Drop" to win $1000. The chicken did not poop in my favor.

Anonymous said...

preach on sister!!! i am right there with you!!!!! oh and by the way...conner brought home a catalog this week becasue he would really like to earn a sweatshirt hoodie...are you interested in buying a 4 0z. tin pail of gummy worms for $13.50????!!!!!!!!!!

Troy M. Stirman said...


Does your son realize he could buy 3 hoodies at any of the 6,000 Dollar General locations in Abilene,TX for that same $13.50?