

I have felt the need to touch base here, but I have absolutely nothing to say. Of course, I could report on the fruit fly battle at my house, but that's a)embarrassing -- especially considering the fruit flies seem to be winning, b)disgusting, and c)simply way too much information about my boring life. It could ALSO be d)educational, since my battle has led me to this information, but I will presume none of us desire such information/ education.

As I've mentioned, I don't exactly have a boring life currently (she says as she glances out the window to see her son running into the street -- that could be all levels of exciting) but it's nothing you want me to report on, and it prevents me from having any thought in my head other than, "Am I going to get there within 7 minutes of being 'on time'?" Which, by the way, if you missed THAT whole blog post, you missed quite the dialog on my blog! I LOVE that Stephanie loves us with a "7-minute buffer" -- because she and I are... which are we? Polychromes? Yes, we are polychromes because we see the world and its schedules and time constraints as all colorful and fluid, and those monochromes with their black and white, well, we love them, too. I also figured out why Denise has to get there in time to get "her pew" and I never have any trouble getting mine in my 7-minute window: I ALWAYS get there in my 7-minute window, so I always get the same spot (hence, my pew, which now we know I've had to move and it CHAFES at me to sit on a different side) because everyone else has their pew that they got their 10 minutes early to claim. I'm okay with leftover seating.

So I've learned if you hang around long enough, a blog just begs itself to be written. Riley has a friend over. He's a sweet kid and he and Riley seem to get along very well. I don't know the family very well, but have always enjoyed having him over. So the two boys are playing some electronic game with the TV (I honestly don't even know what we have) and the other kids' comment about his player: "Oh, yeah, I know this one! This guy sucks!" He says with much enthusiasm. My eyebrows went up -- I know that phrase is becoming more and more commonplace, but we do NOT say it at our house (do we, Troy?:-) Riley said, "Don't SAY that!" I was proud of Riley for speaking up for all of our tender ears --HA! -- but did/ said nothing. Other kid says, "No, I mean his powers suck." Riley can't stand it: "Stop saying THAT!!" I suspect that the kid is confused about what exactly the problem is, and I wonder if that's just a common phrase at his house like "No, way!" is at ours. The game continues and finally as the kids are LOUDLY exclaiming over the game, friend yells out, "I'll get him!! See, I can suck him up!!" Evidently, the powers of his character are "sucking stuff up", so evidently, he really does suck. I guess we just don't call it that at our house.


WendyDarling said...

LOL... My friend made up the phrase "inhales vociferously" to take the place of "that sucks". She kept getting into trouble for saying the latter. :-)

mad4books said...

Ha! Love the superpower!

You should come worship with us at Hope Church one week. Since a large part of our congregation is made up of college students, we monochromes who don't see starting times as "fluid" sing a lot until the polychromes show up.


Good to see you at Lectures. Wasn't Jeff Walling's message amazing? And I can't BELIEVE I missed Monday night...when I hear people talking about how great Landon Saunders' lesson was, I feel SICK! (And not "SICK sick," in the cool way Jeff taught us about!)

Roxanne said...

I agree with you regarding the word "suck" and it's recent trendy usage as a PG-13 expletive--and that is HILARIOUS that it was actually the computer guy's power.

Actually, I'm pretty sick and tired of perfectly usable words becoming PG because someone decides to make it mean something totally off color. All of my students argue that "it's not a BAD word", but it most certainly is the way they use it.

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to start saying "inhales vociferously"! That's hilarious!

I've had those fruit flies, and I've had ants, and even a strange plague of some cricket-type hopping thing... Been there. Not fun. I think those are the days the grey hairs on my head start standing straight up like antennae.

Biddy said...

i had the fruit fly problem too...i can never have bananas in my house again...

and lysol seemed to be my biggest help...oh, and a raid bomb

Anonymous said...

2-14-08 Sarah, This is a long time coming because I don't check my e-mail often. Mike sent us your blog of Max, which was awesome, then I read about your boring day. That struck a chord that I had to respond to. Yesterday I picked up my grandkids at school, we usually do every Wednesday. Kerri was sick, so I did Valentine duty, we made a snow sclpture of an eagle, and we looked for blueing that Abbie needed for a science experiment. But I digress - finally before Daddy came to pick them up, we had to produce a Valentine box plus cards for each of their classes. OF COURSE, Bibi (me) could not abide with Star Wars and commercial trivia stuff, so I got the material to have them make their own. So, as I am typing out Jacob's class list which would not print, I let out a couple of mild in SHOOT and DARN...whereas Miss Abigail informed her Bibi that we do not say those things! So Kerri is also teaching her kids just as you are teaching yours that WE DO NOT SAY THOSE THINGS ! Love your words, Libby McNeill