
Random Thoughts on a Soggy Tuesday

This weekend was the way weekends were intended. Troy and I worked around the house on Saturday and wore ourselves OUT. My current ministry at church takes everything I have out of me by the time church is over, so it's all I can do to even say "good morning" to people on my way out the door to get some lunch and get in bed. So we napped on Sunday afternoon and then did... nothing. The kids played some games, Troy spent some of his birthday money at Lowe's, and I cleaned out my armoire'. Yes, that is NOTHING at this house. We all hung out together and and had a great time.

Then, I guess due to the nap, Troy and I both had insomnia Sunday night. It was like a slumber party, only the one of us that had to get up to go to work on Monday was a little bit grouchy for the party.

It's STILL raining around here. Pretty strange for the desert. Since none of it is finding its way into my home, I'm not sick of it yet. I'm just cleaning out cabinets and getting things done and refereeing the madhouse. Yesterday I took the dog for a walk when it had gotten cloudy, so I thought it would be nice and cool. 15 minutes into my walk, I could tell it was going to be cool and wet. So I turned for home. But it was just a few drops here and a few drops there so I kept going, enjoying the cool and sprinkles. I was about 100 yards from home when the bottom fell out. So, I got in a little bit of a soggy jog, as well. The kids were worried SICK.


David and Whitney Scott said...

I tell ya, YouTube has everything! Who knew Sally Jesse Raphael knew so many gospel songs.

AbbieCRAZY said...

So, she couldn't think up anything that started with an x?

I'm ready for the rain to stop!!!

Tammy M. said...

I LOVE me some Chonda. I saw her perform here in Abilene shortly after my mom died and she made me laugh when I didn't have a laugh, she made me cry tears, and then her words left me with hope straight from Jesus. She is awesome. Thanks for you tubing her.