So Ashley calls me outside. "See that black spot on the tree?" Well, it's a pretty scrawny tree and a fairly large spot, so, yes, I see it...
So, joining our happy little jackhammered home is a swarm of bees. I'm sure there is something I could and should be doing about that, but I don't know what. So, I'm keeping the children away until their father gets home!
Oh my great heavenly days. . .
Maybe Pete should pipe the sewer gas out to the swarm of bees.
And I loved the title.
I am sorry to have laughed at your predicament, but heaven help me, laugh I did.
Are you telling us you are bee haters? We love them so much that we invite them right inside the house with us BEFORE we murder them. Not bees exactly but sweet little wasps. I'd show photos of the dozens of dead bodies littering my window sills every day but I don't want to incriminate myself. Or make anyone sick.
Let us know how the honey tastes!
Oh, good grief, What next?
(Like Roxanne, I laughed a little, even though I tried not to.)
Hang in there! Summer's a-comin'!
That's right, Sarah. . .summer's a'comin'. And with it. . .MORE BEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you sure you house wasn't built on top of an Indian burial ground?
laughin' so hard at your dad's comment!! oh my goodness. maybe he's right!
Oh wow. This makes me *so* grateful our new house is built on a pier & beam foundation....that just looks....well... you know how it looks. Bless your heart!
Good one, Mike.
I think if anyone is buried under our home, it's going to be me! Remember the movie, The Money Pit? (Tom Hanks film)
Yeah, that's how I feel right now...
I'm sooo sorry! But I did laugh too! Maybe this will be the last of it!
Huh. And that swarm is in face of the recent story in the news that the bee population in this country has declined so much that beekeepers (the ones who still are in business) are extremely worried.
Send all of those worried bee-keepers to Sarah's house. . .OR tell them to go build their hives on their OWN Indian burial ground.
Local honey! You can eat it and never have allergy problems. That's what I've heard anyway.
Ya'll haven't even seen my room yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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