
True Confessions

Okay, with all of the talk about how picky I am about spelling I have to confess to you a word that I am having consistent trouble spelling. When I wrote the piece about Troy and I watching the lightning, I originally spelled it "lightening". Neither one of them looked right to me (and I almost wrote that it "didn't look write" -- I am LOSING it!) I wrote it, went with "lightening", published it, then started second guessing myself.

When all else fails, Google!

One defintion of "lightening" that I found: descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity that occurs late in pregnancy; the fetus is said to have dropped

Oops. No, Troy and I were definitely NOT watching THAT! I stand corrected.


Ruth said...

ha! that's funny...

Anne said...

"receive" or "recieve" is the one that always gets me...any tricks for remembering the right way to spell it?

Anonymous said...

Anne, how 'bout "i before e except after c"?

LiteratureLover said...

That's a good one.

Jessica said...

Funny... gotta love spell check! I think we all have words that give us trouble.