
Good Things Out There

Since I have virtually nothing to say these days, I'll send you around the internet instead!

Troy has an interesting poll on his blog.

Boothe has some wonderful thoughts regarding Oprah's new "A Course In Miracles" program (or, what Sarah is referring to as "The New False Prophecy" -- you kind of need to be aware of THAT whole mess, too).

Kem is a friend of mine. You can see how much I think she rocks:


Terral said...

Hey Sarah, I saw the video of your friend Kem and I couldn't believe that you just happened to post this. Monday, my mom called a man named Sonny that is an interventionist and helped us with my sister about 3 yrs. ago. He told her that my sister needed to go to a place in North Dakota or a place in Abilene called Serenity House. He said he could get her in there. She hasn't agreed to it yet, but I am still praying that she will. I know she can change her life with God's help.

Laura said...

I love finding new blogs. I also wish I had one ounce of Boothe's strength. I have been to her blog and her tremendous will amazes me.

JD said...

Kem is awesome...what a testimony! Thanks for sharing it!