

Amongst all of the in and out of life around here I have failed to mention that we have a new member of the family. She's a little more than 2 years old and we call her Suze. And she has two wheels. She and her kind have been the object of my husband's affection for a little over two years now, so I'm so darn glad to have Suze in the driveway. At least deer season has become less important.

The reactions to this purchase have been varied but the general constant has been "can't believe she let you" from the males and "I'm so sorry" (to me) from the females. Bottom line is: my one stipulation from the beginning of this quest for mid-life satisfaction is that it not put us into debt. And it has not. I come from happenin' motorcycle folk (that look like "least likely to be motorcycle folk"). I can't say that I understand the attraction, but I have seen it first-hand. Yes, it's a dangerous way to travel. My philosophy with my father and now my husband is that, should the unthinkable happen, they will have died happy. And should my mother be riding behind my father when that happens, she will have died with the man she loves. With two punkin's at home to raise, I don't have the luxury of being quite so cavalier and may not spend just a lot of time on the back of Suze for a few years yet. (At which time I'm sure poor Suze will be put out to pasture for the latest and greatest). But a little speed and enjoying nature at the same time? I'm truly okay with that. Oh, and yes, we are all absolutely a helmet-wearing family -- yes, family: Ashley and I wear the same size helmet and Riley has his very own. And he thinks riding on the back is about the coolest thing ever.

Thinking of THAT little mess -- 10 years ago tonight I was the hugest pregnant lady King's Daughters Hospital had seen waddle in in quite sometime. I was so afraid my labor was going to stop, as it had seemed to start and stop for 3 days solid. It did stop a bit, but thanks to some lovely drugs, I got cranked up again and about 5:30 the morning of the 18th my little -- okay, my GINORMOUS 9 pound -- bugger came into the world, none too happy about leaving his warm little cocoon. He has drug me through the depths of the parenting trenches and sent me to soar on his laughter and wit. And seeing his scrawny little body on the back of Suze may put me in an early grave. What a ride.


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your putting up the link to my website, but I see that my service company has for some reason removed the picture of your mom and me standing by the bike! I'll get right on that!

You know how I feel - treated with respect, professional training, and caution, a motorcycle adds a big dash of Tobasco to life. For those of us who love riding, there is simply no substitute. I'm tickled that the kids like riding. It gets them away from the TV and into looking at the world around them. And speaking of watching Riley ride away, as a parent you can appreciate what I was going through as I watched you and your brother taxi away and take off in a small airplane way back when! Whew!

Tammy M. said...

So glad Suze is home.

Roxanne said...

Flying airplanes. . .riding motorcycles. . .what am I DOING being friends with you people????? :) :) :) :) :) :)

Happy Birthday dear Riley. . .hope the sleepover was fun. Glad you are happy to be on the planet now.

Jessica said...

My parents both ride... in the 15 yrs they have had bikes I have yet to get on the back of one... not from fear, only because they require me to wear real clothing (pants and longs sleeves) and shoes (no flip flops)... the supposed joy of riding has yet to overcome my adversion to clothes!