
Or Just Maybe ...

Maybe there's a blog-vacuum of thought out there. I HATE being on a bandwagon of any sort, but I do take comfort that I'm not alone in this loss of bloggity material.

Check out Shannon.

Check out Supermom.

What happened to Elizabeth?

I vividly remember Vann saying, "Blogging is SO 2005!" Is the age of blogging over? Have we finally all said all we possibly have to say? Not that having nothing to say has ever kept me from saying anything.


Roxanne said...

Quite a conundrum--we can't just enjoy it. We have to feel guilty about it. . .when we do it and when we don't. :)

I think that fall and spring are just so incredibly busy with school and ball and weather that's too good to pass up that we spend less time indoors--but that's just me.

Jessica said...

Yeah, um... well, I think I would rather have nothing to say... than the stuff I have to say! Anyway, thanks for the support! I luv ya!

elizabeth said...

I just read your blog! I don't know what has happened to me other than my part time job has taken the place of computer time. I will try harder!