
Long Overdue

I am a fairly political person, but greatly avoid the topic here. I'm okay with our differences, but I'm not sure YOU'RE okay with our differences. And, I'm a pathetic person who really wants you to like me, so I avoid treading on controversial ground.

But there's one deal that evidently WILL NOT DIE that I have to address.

Does Freedom of Speech -- guaranteed by our constitution -- mean that I am free from the CONSEQUENCES of my speech?

Let's create a hypothetical situation: I, as a public school teacher in West Texas, publicly (in an editorial to the paper, let's say) make disparaging remarks about the entire race of Hispanics. Because of that, several things could happen:
  • LULAC would probably take some sort of legal action.
  • The parents of Hispanic children in my classroom would revolt and see to it that I lost my job.
  • Less "proper" things than legal proceedings may take place: threats of violence to me or my family, people in town that don't want me in their business, etc.
Has my freedom of speech been violated? NO.
Have I suffered the consequences of my speech? Absolutely -- and rightfully so.

Now let's imagine that I'm a more public figure, and depend on the sales of things I make for my livelihood. As such a figure, I make comments during a time of war about how embarrassed I am to be from the same place as the president while I'm on foreign soil. Several things might happen:
  • Groups of people refuse to buy the things I make.
  • Other groups of people refuse to showcase the things I make.
  • Some less "proper" shows of boycott take place, such as threats of violence.
Has my freedom of speech been violated? NO.
Have I suffered the consequences of my speech? Absolutely.

Freedom of speech means that the government cannot censor what you say or punish you for your speech. It doesn't mean that your speech won't have any consequences. That is the absolute beauty of our free market system. My dollars get to tell you if I like your product or not. And, if you choose to put yourself out there and attach your politics, morals, or kids' pictures to your product, I get to tell you if I like THOSE, as well. If I decide not to give you my dollars because I don't like something you've said, that isn't violating your free speech -- it's our market system at work! And it is glorious.

And, if the consequences of my speech cause me to lose much income -- as in losing my job -- if I'm REALLY smart, I will make a documentary whining about how my free speech was violated by people not buying my things so as to recoup that money. And all of the people who have bemoaned my injustice can go see it and support me!

Thank you for this little venue to get that off my chest. Feel free to disagree with me. And, if you choose to stop liking me for my political post, well, I guess I have suffered the consequences of my speech!


Tammy M. said...

Love It!

Paula said...

Call me clueless, but what are you talking about (specifically)?

Sarah said...

Paula, you're clueless!!

Okay, you probably just have better things to do than get irritated that other people don't think the way you do! :-)

Dixie Chicks, in 2003, said during a concert in (?France? -- overseas somewhere)that they were embarassed to be from the same state as the president because of the war mess. Radio stations quit playing their songs and some people were evidently VERY nasty to them, so they, and thousands of their supporters, screamed that their freedom of speech was violated.

Now, there is a documentary, "Shut Up and Sing" about what a travesty it is that the American people would rather hear Natalie Maines sing than give political opinions.

Roxanne said...

Here, here. . .did you also hear that Natalie skipped school in high school but didn't get caught--she did this to prove that hispanics were being targeted when they skipped school, but whites weren't.

So. . .skipping is when you try to ditch school without getting caught. If you don't get caught--no "consequences" (except, of course, for missing classroom instruction and possibly guilt), and DO get caught you suffer the consequences no matter what color you are. . .

Unless of course you're white and an American and decide you want to spout off about the President OR (per our conversation this afternoon) play your offensive rap music in the presence of me. . .

Basically I'm sayin' she needs to shut up and sing--AND cover up her cleavage while she's at it. (I had not heard about the documentary.)

Anonymous said...

Not buying the product is not just free-enterprise. It is a boycott. What is a boycott? A form of protest. What is a protest? An expression of Freedom of Speech! It goes both ways.

Paula said...

Thanks for the info. Knew about the Dixie Chicks, just not the documentary... Going back to my happy (and tired) little world!

Lara said...

I guess I won't be breaking up with you today because I agree.

Troy M. Stirman said...

Sometimes this woman is SO GOOD, it's a little freaky! (But I love her anyway...)
