
Quote for the Day

I haven't forgotten you, blog-friends, I just have not much to say about too much going on. You're all there, I'm sure. I have a 4th grade Christmas party behind me (Tuesday) where all 100 4th-graders cycled through and chocolate covered pretzels AND me, I have finally finished my work Christmas cards (Wednesday) all 225 of them! I think I am through at the grocery story (today) -- at least until Monday right before family comes in. Today I gave blood, right after I dropped a weight on my toe at the gym. Be looking for Sarah-missing-half-of-her-toenail right around sandal season.

If you are physically able, go give blood. It's not a big deal, you get a free t-shirt, juice, and cookies -- and you just might save a life. Consider it a Christmas gift you can give completely anonymously -- and you can give 6 times in a year so it could be a Christmas gift to 6 different people!

If you have a few minutes, read Mike Cope's post "The Quarter of Remembrance".

Quote for the day:

"How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O!'tis easier to keep holidays than commandments."

-- Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

Tammy M. said...

Loved that post by Mike. Made me cry. Ouch about your toe. Glad the party is done for, were you also covered in chocolate and pretzels by the time you helped 100 4th graders along in their task?