

Back from Louisiana for the funeral. My head is full of laughter with family, memories of Poppa Max, and the "apples of gold in settings of silver" of the kind, appropriate words I heard from so many people who loved my Max. My favorite story that I heard was from Kristen, a friend from childhood, whose daughter Carlisle was instructing Kristen when to come pick her up so that she could go to the funeral. Kristen said, "No, sweety, we think you need to stay in school today." Carlisle protested, "But I LOVED that man!!" Carlisle is 8. Sure, she may have needed an afternoon off of 3rd grade and this was as good a reason as any to get it, but it's just like my Max to have an 8 year old as one of his biggest fans.

For months I have been praying for him to be out of pain. I thought I was ready to let him go, but I'm still pretty sad that he had to go. Somewhere I have written down many of my favorite memories of him, and you'll have to bear with me when I put those here. According to the informal poll of folks at his funeral and/or visitation, most folks will miss his booming voice or his never-complaining, always-encouraging attitude. Me, too.

For now, it's back to life at break-neck speed. Life is calling and off we go. Grocery shopping, baseball, grades, clarinet, church events, and work all need to be tended to. And eventually something will pop in my head that I need to share with you here!


Roxanne said...

I'm glad you are back safely. This morning we sang, "In Christ Alone." When I got to "from life's first cry to final breath. . ." Malachi's mom was sitting in front of me. I thought how closely those two times came together for her Malachi--and I thought of Max.

Then, of course, there was the "bursting forth" and it was all I could do to keep from laughing--but I WAS smiling like a drunken crazy person. That was all about you.

And finally we got to "'til He returns or calls me home. . ." and that's when I smiled through the tears. I'm so glad that Max has been called home.

Kristen's Carlisle sounds precious--a smart girl to love That Man. :)

Tammy M. said...

Grandparents are like jewels that get more beautiful with age. The blessings they impart are treasure on earth, that show us the way Home. If the Lord allows me to live long enough for grandchildren I hope that I can bless them like ours have blessed us.