
Typical Day Without Drama

7:15 a.m. -- Shoot!! Overslept! That means I'll skip washing a load of clothes and my Bible study time; Try to wake kids up; shower, dress, breakfast, deal with some work on the computer
8:10 a.m. -- kids to school (LATE)
8:20 a.m. -- work to make copies, office not open yet, sit in the parking lot and put my make-up on
8:40 a.m. -- 4th Grade Room Mothers' meeting (LATE)
9:15 a.m. -- Cool! Meeting out earlier than planned! Make phone calls for 4th grade party next week
9:45 a.m. -- 2nd Grade Christmas Party. Man the Snowman-Constructing-Station. Truly, thanks to 2nd Grade Christmas Party Mastermind Kendra Durrington, this is the most peaceful time of my day.
11:00 a.m. -- work at the Food Bank with PALs from Abilene High. REALLY wish the Food Bank had heat.
12:15 p.m. -- local elementary school to interview kids
1:15 p.m. -- home to start dinner, put in Crock-Pot
1:30 p.m. -- "quick trip" to grocery store; too many items for Express, in line behind woman buying all of her meat products for the winter; kid falls out of basket and thuds on the floor at my feet
2:00 p.m. -- work; turn in some applications I've collected; report possible abuse situation
3:15 p.m. -- pick up kids from school
3:30 p.m. -- deal more with work on home computer, catch up on emails and blogs
4:00 p.m. -- finish working on dinner and cleaning kitchen from similar day yesterday, put laundry away
5:15 p.m. -- Leave for Ashley's first basketball game of the season!! work on Christmas cards for work waiting for game to begin
7:25 p.m. -- dinner from Crock-Pot
8:00 p.m. -- clean kitchen, make another batch of toffee for teacher gifts
8:30 p.m. -- put on PJ's, collapse on couch and think of all the things I should be doing:
--iron a shirt
--wrapping gifts
--planning menus for next week
--making more phone calls
--working on Christmas cards for work
--working on Christmas cards for home
Instead -- watch a 'Gilmore Girls' episode from the DVR.
9:45 p.m. -- finally iron shirt, get coffee ready for tomorrow's wake-up call, put out work-out clothes and work clothes for tomorrow
10:15 p.m. -- wander around trying to remember what all I've forgotten and what all I need to do in the morning, eventually fall in bed.


Anne said...

If you ever want to borrow Natalie to be your official wake-up call, just let me know. Her typical m/o is to crawl up on top of you asking for "Breakstast" and a video!

Tomorrow is Saturday...sleep in and have pb&j sandwiches for lunch! :)

Anonymous said...

But don't the Gilmore Girls always make you smile? Sometimes even laugh out loud? Can't you sign Christmas cards and watch TV? Iron and watch TV?

Multi-tasking - the way to go!

Tammy M. said...

Previous comment coming from someone who has to be moving all the time. She knits and smocks during ladies class. Sometimes there is nothing better than laying down and doing nothing, shutting off your mind, and tuning into some TV show that makes you laugh and forget about all the other stuff that you could be doing. Take an hour or two for yourself, sip some tea, and get ready for the next day that is scheduled from dark thirty to dark thirty.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, and yes. . .as I left school yesterday as soon as humanly possible. . .one of my co-workers said, "Well, you're done." (OUr district got out yeserday) NOt quite. . .had to go straight to Victoria's school for her Christmas party. THEN I was done. ;)

Do more of the falling into bed. :)
