

If every flat surface of my home is covered in such a manner that one would not be able to set a glass down if the need arose, I don't think we could possibly need one more thing to come into this home for Christmas.

Why is it that the less you are in your house, the messier it becomes? Is it just me?


Anne said...

Well, one would also think that since I am a "stay-home mom", that I would have the time to keep my house clean...but that is just not the case. Maybe I am just a poor manager of time, or maybe I am just lazy. Rather than consider those as options, I prefer to think it is because I am making better use of my time with Natalie. While I know that is not entirely true, it does make me feel better for a little while. And some days, I am convincced that no matter how much I clean, Natalie is dragging it all out again immediately! AHHH!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm having a bad time with this just this morning! I have finally cleaned my kitchen (although the clutter is still there) and can see the left side of my sink. My reward is reading Sarah's blog and taking the time to write a comment.

Where do organized people put the papers that children complete? I'm asking about the ones that you want to keep. How much do we keep? At thirty, are Kenny or Abbie going to want more than 2 papers from any grade? I know the answer, NO! So why do I feel the need to save more than a report card?!

So now is the time to put ornaments on a tree that will be up for 15 days - tops. I think the lights are lovely.

SERENITY NOW - a call for harried moms everywhere.

Anonymous said...

To put in the words of Adam Sandler, "goosfraba", or calm me now (Anger Management, the movie). When I was bemoaning how dirty my house was (Shane and I were grinches and made the kids clean yesterday - used the timer and everything)someone (Mindy) told me that a person with a clean house is BORING. I am definitely NOT going to have to worry about that. I try and look at the whole Christmas thing as a time to teach my kids about gratitude for what they already have and for what they receive. We also limit the gifts we give them, but we have a lot of fun taking them to pick gifts out for each other, spending their own money, and really thinking about what would make the person they are buying for happy. Actually trying to teach thoughtfulness and not materialism!!! Hope I'm not sounding too Pollyannaish here - I just love Christmas and buying for others! Do you hate me????? :-) M.C.

Anonymous said...

Well, you're all gonna hate me. . .'cause this year I had my kids gifts bought and wrapped before THanksgiving, and am at this moment (Dec. 13th) only a mat short of gift (I'm framing a picture for my sister), and I will be DONE, DONE, DONE. (This should be screamed with maniacal laughter.)

Some years it comes together. Some years if falls apart.

This year, so far, it's been good. We only went $15 over the budget we had set. I am thankful for that. And the tree will come down the day after Christmas, because the day after New Years, I have to go back to school. . .but between now and then, I plan to enjoy it all.

As far as "organized" people go, I'm startin' to believe that is all smoke and mirrors. I thought all of YOU (being the rest of the female half of the human race) were the "organized" people and I was the one who needed all of the help. Isn't it nice to know we are all in that boat together? All of us unorganized. . .and wanting to keep more of our children's artwork than is humanly possible. I pitch my share, but I feel guilty and make sure to hide it at the bottom of something so Victoria doesn't give me the "why-did-you-throw-rocks-at-me" look.

Merry CHristmas to you all. . .decorated or not, organized or not. Don't worry about what doesn't get done, but everyone needs atleast ONE strand of Christmas lights somewhere just to make you happy.
