
Manna for This Day

Good griefus! I am very consistent in my inconsistent blogging, no?

I have wanted to stop here a bazillion times and tell you stuff, but I just haven't stopped long enough to tell you.

More than anything, I would think my theme for right now is: hills and valleys. (I was going to say "roller coaster" but a) it's been done and b) there are no fun loop-de-loops -yet- just the ups and downs).

Last week the Lord gave me an AMAZING week with Him: hearing from Him, drawing so near to Him, just precious time with Him. And I wanted to stop and tell you about that. But I didn't.

So... of course, this week, Satan took note. Ugh. Ready for the planet to be rid of him! Lots of discouragement... And a headache that has lingered all week. Just little stuff that adds up to annoying. And, yesterday, I claimed it: I was tired of it. Tired of living away from Troy. Tired of trying to be the big girl. Tired of waiting for an answer. Tired.

Of course, there is part of my problem, honestly -- I'm not sleeping enough. Honestly. That's a whole other story. Oh, I CAN sleep when Troy's gone, I just don't go to bed on time.

So, I asked God to send me some encouragement. I reached out to some people that I knew would encourage me, as well. And in little sprinkles of blessings, God provided exactly what I needed just for yesterday. I wish I could tell you that my house sold yesterday and God took care of it THAT way. Um... no. Because part of my amazing week with him last week was learning how much there is to learn in the waiting. But he did send me the encouragement I needed just for the day. Manna to make it through.

And today is a new day. The sun is on its way up now. I still have a headache, for which I am most annoyed (please, winter, cut me some SLACK!) but I am trusting the Lord for the Manna to get through this day, as well.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22,23

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

:) Claiming it!!! That way is sometimes the ONLY way.