
Circle Up!

In the wee hours of this morning, resting peacefully with only a care nurse for company, my Poppa Max laughed out loud, then he was gone. I like to think that he laughed at the sight of my grandmother, Maxine, who was clapping her hands with glee as he joined her in the circle around the throne. I am so thankful he is finally pain free. I am so sad I will never hear his voice this side of the circle. He was quite a man. Poppa Max, grab Maxine's hand, twirl a dance, circle up and worship Him!

Online obituary.


Tammy M. said...

I love that he laughed his way to Glory!

Paula said...

I'm praying for you and your family that the picture of that circle stays with you for a long time!

AbbieCRAZY said...

Oh, that we all go this way!

Roxanne said...

You already know. . .and I can still hear his laugh and Maxine's too. I look forward to having them smile at me again.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Sarah for your loss. What a sweet face he had.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that just makes me smile. What a blessing, truly. Take care *hug to you and yours*